These dropped scones are cute way to start your day. They're aromatic, moist and filled with sweet spicy goodies. Serves 2.
Rinse buckwheat in a sieve. Transfer to blender and add water (infused with dried rose petals) almond meal, egg, honey and baking powder. Warm ghee in a frypan and add ginger, salt and ground spices. Turn off the heat and add the spiced ghee to your mix. Blend on medium speed for 2 mins. Heat a frypan on medium heat and add 1/4 tsp ghee. Pour a small amount of batter into your pan, two or three scones at a time depending on how large your pan is. Flip when bubbles appear and add 1/4 tsp ghee for each round. Keep warm in your oven on 150 C briefly before serving as a stack, with honey or organic maple syrup and a fresh date.
A comforting cooked breakfast that is simple but has a lot of great flavour going on that will leave you sustained and fulfilled. Serves 2.
Rinse buckwheat in a sieve and transfer to a medium sized saucepan. Add 1/2 cup water and nut milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, ghee and tahini. Simmer for 10-15 mins and stir really well, until buckwheat is soft and creamy. Add more water if needed as you don't want this too dry. Serve with honey or maple, flax, seeds, nuts, a date and goji berries. Grate orange zest over the bowl. optional - add a tbsp of Almond and hazelnut dukkah (recipe below).
My all natural, clean, simple nut milk.
Soak almonds overnight covered in water, so they swell and activate. Rinse and place in a large blender with 3 cups water. Blend for 5 minuets. Sieve and squeeze through a clean linen tea towel or linen fabric bag into a glass jug. Store milk in a recycled passata jar - makes 750 ml. Use remaining fresh almond meal on porridge, in pancakes or other baking. Consume within 3 days.
Elevate your meals with this wonderful, spiced dukkah to top your lunches, soups, salads, fish, chicken or breakfast.
Combine nuts and seeds in a small blender or mortar and pestle and combine/crush. Add cumin powder and sesame seeds. Store in a clean recycled glass jar. Consume within 2 weeks.
Create interest, colour and freshness to your meals with seasonal pickled vegetables. A sharp pick me up when needed or on the side to a coconut or dense curry dish. Chew well, as these crunchy babes need it.
My pickling liquid:
Combine all pickling liquid ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes until sugar is dissolved and remove from heat. While this cools, peel your chosen vegetable entirely with a peeler and put it all into a clean recycled glass jar. Top with pickling liquid (spices and all) and seal. Store for 5 days before eating.
A delicious go-to sauce that is so much more than a dip. Use as a base for cooked vegetables, fish, chicken or drizzle over salad.
Combine all ingredients in a small blender and combine. Store in a clean recycled glass jar. Consume within 1 week.
You can serve your wellbeing by being more aware of what you put into your body, what you choose to do with it, when and why. Knowing yourself is essential.
Flow and Food
MANDALA STUDIO 253 Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham Australian Capital Territory 2602, Australia